Here's how I have something very much like it at home for exceedingly cheap.
- Roast* a couple handfuls of diced squashies. Which type? Eh. Your choice. I have some zuccini in the fridge and a bag of frozen butternut in the freezer.
- Cook the pasta from a box of Annie's Peace Parmesan. Alfredo Shells & Cheddar will do in a pinch.
*If in a hurry, cook squashies by tossing them in with the pasta during the last couple minutes of boilage. - While pasta drains, simmer together 1/4 C heavy whipping cream and 1 Tbl sherry or whatever else you have on hand and like to cook with.
- Toss in a handful of crushed walnuts.
- Dump in pasta and squashies. Mix thoroughly.
- Commence with the yummy.